Cosmetology Instructor Shares Harbor Freight’s Giving Back Program With Instructors

Hannah Walnock, CCCTC Cosmetology Instructor, helped staff apply for the Harbor Freight gift card program. If you are a U.S. based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization seeking support from Harbor Freight Tools, these guidelines are meant to assist you in requesting funding for your organization.

Harbor Freight Tools proudly supports the following:

• K-12 Public Schools

  • School raffles and fundraisers, including PTO/PTA and Boosters
  • Classroom projects & clubs that inspire hands-on learning, such as Robotics, SkillsUSA
  • School improvement projects, including landscaping, painting, field/playground improvements, storage, and safety/PPE items
  • Skilled trades education programs that emphasize the expert use of tools and materials to build or repair products and structures, such as automotive, carpentry, construction, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, welding, manufacturing, and agriculture mechanics