College Credit FAQ

At the Clearfield County Career and Technology Center, we strive to provide students with access to high quality instruction and cutting-edge training.  Our integrated academic curriculum has an emphasis on critical thinking in real-world scenarios, and it allows students the opportunity to gain industry certifications to enter the workforce immediately after graduating.  Our programs also provide opportunities to earn college credits while enrolled at the CCCTC, opening doors to continuing education beyond high school.  The cost to students is either free or drastically reduced in price.  Our college credit book is designed to help you understand the college and career opportunities you will have at the Clearfield County Career and Technology Center.   The information is current, but will update continuously as we develop new and diverse opportunities for our students.  Thank you–we look forward to seeing you!

Tiffany Cover
Email Tiffany Cover

If you have any questions about how you can earn college credits or certifications while attending CCCTC, please contact:

Jessica McKendrick
Student Services Coordinator
Email College Credits