Students and faculty at CCCTC will join others across the nation during the month of February to celebrate “National Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month.” CTE Month provides programs across the country an opportunity to demonstrate how CTE makes students college-and career-ready and prepares them for high-wage, high-demand occupation fields.
Missy Mowrey, CCCTC executive director, states, “Career and technical education plays a vital role in preparing students for success in the workforce. The great thing about CTE is it provides students with real-world experience and hands-on training, which creates highly trained employees before securing a position in today's ever changing workforce. Our community is in need of skilled workers to fill positions in fields ranging from healthcare and technology to skilled trades. CTE programs not only provide students with the technical skills needed but also assist in building problem-solving and teamwork skills that are needed in today's job market. It is important to take time to recognize and celebrate educators, students and industry partners that help to inspire current and future students to become highly trained and productive members of today's workforce.”
It is no secret that CTE-trained students have the upper hand in a society currently lacking skilled labor. Students with a technical background can choose to enter the workforce with as much training as they choose. It is a great time for the motivated person, not afraid to get their hands dirty, as high demand equals high wages.
CTE encompasses 94% of high school students and 13 million postsecondary students in the United States. It is a major part of the solution to a myriad of national economic and workforce problems, such as high school dropout rates, weakened economy, and global competitiveness. At a time when opportunity for employment is so critical, CTE programs in every community are ensuring students are equipped with the skills to enter the workforce successfully.
Tiffany Cover, CCCTC assistant director/principal, also notes, “The professional training offered is vast. You can find Cosmetology and Health Occupations under the same roof as Information Technology and Diesel Mechanics. In addition to gaining certifications and skills to enter the workforce directly upon graduation, students can earn college credits. The sky’s the limit!”
Clearfield County Career and Technology Center is a technical education institution founded in 1968 to meet the needs of the community and the five sending school districts in Clearfield County. The mission of CCCTC is to provide quality career-technical education programs and services that prepare youth and adults for success in the workplace, postsecondary education, and the community, now and in the future.
For more information about the Clearfield County Career and Technology Center, call 814-765-5308 or visit us at